Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Secret of How To Increase Libido By Dr. John Anne

This is the most often asked question. But have you ever thought that what is the reason for you, to increase the sperm count. To fertilize an egg or the ovum, a great quantity of sperm are being needed, that can go to hundreds of millions sperms. In an average male, these many sperms are produced multiples times per day. There are multiple factors that are unfavorable for increasing sperm count. Conditions such as smoking cigarettes, drug addiction, poor dietary habits, lack of physical work and exercises and wearing tight under garments are few of the basic factors that lowers sperm count. By increasing the volume and count of your sperms, it can lead to increase of your fertility by raising the number of sperms in ejaculation.

Your body requires certain nutrients and supplements to produce sperm that are viable in fertilizing an ovum or an egg. Foods that are rich in zinc have been very effective in rising the sperm count and acts as sex booster.

Among the other vital nutrients needed for volumous growth of sperms are selenium, lycopene, folic acid, water, and a number of vitamins and minerals.

One should avoid certain food stuff so as to improve the sperm count. There are refined food items like sugars and flour. Smoking is also a culprit in decreasing the sperm counts. Increase vegetable consumption especially green leaved vegetables.

Nature has provided us with various methods of encountering the problems that we face in our life. There are various herbal solutions to over come the problem of decreased sperm counts. Below are the various herbal methods by which you cam attain the lost power in you and increase the sperm amount so as to achieve the best progeny.

Akarkara- A perennial erect herb bearing large flowers is highly recommended in aphrodisiac purposes. It is also known in relieving toothache and also promoting salivary secretions. It is known as pellitory in English language, is a wonder herb. Traditionally it is being used to promote sexual activities in the body. It helps in stimulation of sexual hormones to promote the excitability in the body. It is also helpful in improving the circulation of blood especially to the genitals and reproductive organs. It improves the production of sperms in the body and increases the volumes and count of sperms for the evolution of good progeny.

Salab misri - It is the terrestrial orchids that contain some bitter compounds and some volatile oils. These are widely used in ayurveda to promote body strength and improving body vigor. It gives lots of mucilaginous product along with water and forms a jelly kind of material that is supposed to be very nutritious and provides strength to the body. It is also helpful in relieving from diarrhea and dysenteric condition. It is a strong aphrodisiac agent and provides lots of strength to our nerves. It also helps in improving general health condition. It is found in many male health supplements and also is a part of world most powerful herbal supplement “paradizo”

Shilajit – shilajit is nature’s gift to human. Derived from the mountains of Himalaya, shilajit is a wonderful herbal product that is very effective in making human body rock solid. It is a general health tonic, increases immune system of the body, increases the physical performance, increases the muscle endurance power, strengthens nervous system and also helps in acclimatize in various environmental condition.

Kohinoor gold – an herbal supplement that has created news because of its excellent result in male health. It is made on the guidelines of worlds oldest system of medicine i.e. ayurveda. It contains ashwagandha, kaunch beej, shatavari, makardhwaj, akarkara, safed musli, shilajit, kesar and salab misri. The unique blend of all these herbs makes it the best herbal aphrodisiac agent and also improves the general condition of body. It makes male achieve all his desires and also satisfies his counterpart.

Read more about the Secret of How to Increase Libido. Also know more on Premature Ejaculation Cure through natural and herbal treatments.

Learn more on Ayurveda – through World's Finest Portal on Ayurveda and Herbal Remedies.

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